Life is a journey, not a race!

enjoy the journey

Note: You can start small with a 50-100 GB disk to start with, but my would advice would be to start with 500 GB


Install NFS Server role on Windows Server

Before you can add the role to your system, the steps below expect that you already:

Created a VM with Windows Server installed

Added a second disk to the VM

Created a folder on the second drive which you want to use as the Transfer Server Storage for vCloud Director

Install the Server for NFS role on Windows Server



Follow the steps to create the NFS share:


1. create a folder name: as you want

2. right click on folder, select properties on NFS Sharing

4. Click on Manage NFS Sharing

5. click on Share this folder check box

6. click on Permissions

7. Change type of access to Write-Read and enable Allow root access


Use this NFS path during the vCloud Director deployment.

you can also see the vCloud Director 10.2 Deployment in this post.

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